
7 ore


in blocco

Tecnologie energetiche Italiano

Reference data on the web: simple example of reference data

This document explains how information about products and services, including environmental information, can be published on the Web using reference data which is also published on the Web.
The publishing of the information requires no expenditure on software tools. Instead the information can be represented by simple RDF/OWL files, created by hand and validated by public domain software. The major difficult faced by SMEs will be finding adequate reference data.
Once information has been published in this form, simple software can be used to collate information published about different products and services.

David Leal

Obiettivo formativo:
1. Simple examples of reference data
2. Simple application using reference data
3. Lifecycle assessment for an individual house
4. Lifecycle assessment ontology
5. URI assigned to athing by an ISO standard

the course is composed by 6 modules for a total of 22 lessons

Conoscenze richieste:
This document explains how information about products and services, including environmental information, can be published on the Web using reference data which is also published on the Web.
The publishing of the information requires no expenditure on software tools. Instead the information can be represented by simple RDF/OWL files, created by hand and validated by public domain software. The major difficult faced by SMEs will be finding adequate reference data.
Once information has been published in this form, simple software can be used to collate information published about different products and services.

A chi è rivolto:
This course is aimed at those concerned with publishing data within the environmental sector. The course deals with the way in which reference data on the web can be used to publish information , and is equally relevant to those specifying the business practice and those implementing it by constructing websites.
The course is not concerned with website programming or computer languages.

Tempi occorrenti:
about 7 hours
