3236 ore
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Tecnologie energetiche
Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment , a sustainability decision-supporting tool
The video lesson was recorded in the framework of ENEA - UNESCO project DESIRE-net (Rome, 2006, 27th June), winner of the European Commission prestigious Award SEE “Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign” for “Co-operation programmes “ category
Docenti: Paolo Masoni
Obiettivo formativo: Why do life-cycle assessment? How is life-cycle assessment used? What is life-cycle assessment? LCA as standard procedure Planning an LCA Project Functional Unit and reference flow Inventory analysis Impact assessment Interpretation Conclusions Conoscenze richieste: The video lesson was recorded in the framework of ENEA - UNESCO project DESIRE-net (Rome, 2006, 27th June), winner of the European Commission prestigious Award SEE “Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign” for “Co-operation programmes “ category A chi è rivolto: decision makers; designers and technicians Tempi occorrenti: 00:32:36 Progetto: ACCEDI