30 ore
Tecnologie energetiche
BIM Training for technicians
The course contains the basic knowledge for the Building Information Modelling (BIM) useful for the modern technicians who need to know how to work in a digitalized world.
Docenti: Anna Moreno, christian girardello
Authoring team: Instructional designer, grafico
Obiettivo formativo: The usefulness of BIM The different uses of the BIM model Contenuti: The course in strucutured in xx modules and yy lessons Conoscenze richieste: The course contains the basic knowledge for the Building Information Modelling (BIM) useful for the modern technicians who need to know how to work in a digitalized world. A chi è rivolto: Technicians who need to read a digital model of a building or infrastrucuture to instal, manage and maintain the plants. Tempi occorrenti: 30 hours Progetto: ODL ACCEDI