
55 ore


in blocco

Tecnologie energetiche Italiano

Multidisciplinary approaches to assess the impact of terrigeneous and anthropogenic inputs on a tropical coastal environment

The purpose of the seminar are several. To Know how inputs influence sediment deposits, how environmental conditions vary in time and space, in situ analysis of interactions between environmental conditions and plankton communities ;selection of bioindicator species and influence of hydrodynamism on transport of dissolved and particulate material, Interaction between physical forcing and biogeochemical cycling

Francesca Cappellaro, Renaud Fichez

Obiettivo formativo:
-Characterization of water bodies and transport processes. -Sediments and fluxes at the sediment- water interface. -Plankton community responses. -Integration of contaminants in the food web and bioindicators. -Modeling circulation, transport & biogeochemistry

Conoscenze richieste:
The purpose of the seminar are several. To Know how inputs influence sediment deposits, how environmental conditions vary in time and space, in situ analysis of interactions between environmental conditions and plankton communities ;selection of bioindicator species and influence of hydrodynamism on transport of dissolved and particulate material, Interaction between physical forcing and biogeochemical cycling

A chi è rivolto:
Students, researchers

Tempi occorrenti:
55 mn
