115 ore
in blocco
Tecnologie energetiche
Transboundary Air Pollution and related Integrated Assessment Modelling (Part II of II)
Today it is recognized and scientifically proved that pollutants are transported in the atmosphere for thousands of kms and affect the environment and people health at great distance from the place they are generated. In order to prevent and/or limit damages to the environment and the human health the Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention of UN was signed in Geneva in 1979 (UN CLRTAP).
The aim of the lesson is to inform about transboundary air pollution and which are the means to prevent and/or limit damages to the environment and the human health
Docenti: Tiziano Pignatelli
Conoscenze richieste: Today it is recognized and scientifically proved that pollutants are transported in the atmosphere for thousands of kms and affect the environment and people health at great distance from the place they are generated. In order to prevent and/or limit damages to the environment and the human health the Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention of UN was signed in Geneva in 1979 (UN CLRTAP). The aim of the lesson is to inform about transboundary air pollution and which are the means to prevent and/or limit damages to the environment and the human health Tempi occorrenti: 1 hour and 15 minutes Progetto: ODL ACCEDI