
4 ore


in blocco

Tecnologie energetiche Italiano

The ISO15926 standard for data storage and exchange in Oil, gas, process and power: Part 1 - Overview

A description is given of all parts of the ISO15926 series of standards. The description will detail the reasons for the part, how it is composed and how it fits in practical data integration software in industry

Paul Van Exel, Anna Moreno

Obiettivo formativo:
1) ISO15926-1 Overview 2) ISO15926-2 Data Model 3) ISO15926-3 Shapes reference data 4) ISO15926-4 Core reference data 5) Maintenance and extension of ISO15926-3/4 6) ISO15926-6 Technical validation of ISO15926-4 7) ISO15926-7 Templates and facades

The course is composed by 1 module for a total of 7 lessons and 5 units.

Conoscenze richieste:
A description is given of all parts of the ISO15926 series of standards. The description will detail the reasons for the part, how it is composed and how it fits in practical data integration software in industry

A chi è rivolto:
Managers and experts involved in product and plant installation data management in oil, gas, process and power supply chain. All of these will require at full skill level since this is a basic competency

Tempi occorrenti:
It will take about 4 hours to read and understand leading to Awareness and Knowledge
