Il sito è attualmente in manutenzione e aggiornamento. Se desideri contribuire al suo miglioramento, ti invitiamo a compilare un breve questionario realizzato per i nostri utenti (
Inoltre, è possibile richiedere l'attestato di partecipazione anche per i corsi offline, già seguiti, accedendo alla tua area personale.

The FEEDSCHOOLS project’s e-learning section is dedicated to local authorities, school professionals but also to Ph.D. students and researchers who are interested in understanding how ‘nearly Zero Energy Building’ (NZEB) renovation can be implemented in the school sector. It features a set of open resources specially developed by the FEEDSCHOOLS partners to introduce technical and financial NZEB solutions, and finally promote behavioural change.
An innovative methodology has been adopted to create a shared learning knowledge base: firstly a transnational and holistic support toolkit and a web database of innovative best practices for NZEB renovation was developed, then all acquired knowledge was re-arranged into 5 learning blocks:
The courses:
Block 1: EU Energy Policy and Objectives
Block 2: Energy efficiency in buildings
Block 3: Energy efficiency measures and technologies
Block 4: Financing of energy efficiency projects
Block 5: ERE app, Financial app, best practice database
A comprehensive reading of all resources will provide an overall understanding of NZEB issues, but a single block can be studied independently. Block 5 is specially dedicated at introducing the FEEDSCHOOL support toolkit.
The FEEDSCHOOLS Project is funded under the Interreg Central Europe Cohesion
policy programme